Announcement of Neko Mafia Token (NMT) Issuance for Economic Experiments of NFTs

NMT / Neko Mafia Token
2 min readMar 27, 2022

Invented by an unidentified person named Satoshi Nakamoto, the blockchain established a decentralized P2P electronic payment system called Bitcoin in 2008.

Bitcoin then came into the limelight during the 2013 financial crisis Cyprus Shock, which began a period of growth for cryptocurrencies. The rapid spread of cryptocurrencies was due to the affinity between blockchain and finance.

While I believe the potential of blockchain is limitless, I do not think the future of cryptocurrencies is bright. It is because cryptocurrencies that do not generate cash flow are worthless in the theory of finance. Cryptocurrencies today can only retain their value due to their substitutability in terms of their ability to be exchanged for hard currencies.

In 2017, the blockchain online game CryptoKitties brought NFTs into the spotlight. NFTs are a revolutionary technology that proves the authenticity and ownership of digital data. Unlike cryptocurrencies, the non-fungible digital data itself has value.

NFT has the potential to evolve all areas of the arts, finance, securities, fashion, medicine, etc., and give value to digital data involved with them.

Blockchain can create a new economic sphere where everyone can participate across borders, race, religion, and culture. Now I planned an experimental project to demonstrate the potential of NFT.

The idea is to issue NFTs that can only be obtained with our Neko Mafia Token (NMT) and create a service that can be redeemed with only NMT. The unique aspect of the project is that NMT will not be sold but distributed for free. If the free NMT were to be used to provide valuable digital data or services, then the NMT itself would have its value. That value is transferable and assignable to others. And We have acquired and set up the Ethereum Naming Domain “nekokumicho.eth” for the economic experiments of NFTs using the NMT.

Contract AddressURL (Polygon) : PolygonScan

Since everyone can see the transactions on the public blockchain, analyzing the distribution of NMT is easy. This experimental trial may validate the potential of NFTs and encourage the healthy use of blockchain.

NMT / Neko Mafia Token Web site :
NMT / Neko Mafia Token Twitter : NekoMafiaToken
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NMT / Neko Mafia Token

The channel for NekoMafiaToken that is an experimental project to demonstrate the potential of NFT.